Ashwinstudio art blog

Progress Green

22nd April, 2009

Just finished this experimental painting, it is painted in oils on canvas board, and in style sits somewhere between my abstract and fenland  landscape work. It is my way of expressing how I see some of my local landscape disappearing and being polluted. On the other hand, with engineering and sculptural background, I find the structures fascinating! And don’t get me wrong, I’m all for progress and I know many areas need regenerating and people need jobs but sometimes the development is not well thought through and with no regard to nature and the environment. Often, a petrol station pops up in the middle of the green belt, soon followed by other buildings: The station closes and then another pops up a few miles down the road and so the process continues. All the time eroding the landscape!

Go Green, oil on canvas board, framed

© 2025 Ashley Baldwin-Smith

Designed and built by Ashley Baldwin-Smith