Ashwinstudio art blog

CAMrelief – Emergency Art Exhibition and Auction for Haiti

20th January, 2010

This weekend at Williams Art!

The 35 or so artist members of the Cambridge Arts Movement, based at the Williams Art Gallery at Dales Brewery, Gwydir Street, are each donating a piece of artwork to be auctioned for the Haiti Disaster Appeal. Many well-known and successful artists will be represented, a list of these can be seen at

The show will be mounted this Friday and will be available for public viewing and the taking of fixed bids until this Sunday the 24th. The auction will take place at 3pm on Sunday, so come along and get a genuine Cambridge original at a knock-down price.

More information from Nick Ellis on 01223 500506 or from Chris Williams, Williams Art, 5 Dale’s Brewery, Gwydir Street, Cambridge CB1 2LJ . Tel: 01223 311687. The gallery is open 10am till 6pm, Tuesday till Sunday each week.

© 2025 Ashley Baldwin-Smith

Designed and built by Ashley Baldwin-Smith